Sonja Vesterholt, author and awarded documentary film instructor, producer, radio host, speaker and much more. She came to Denmark from the USSR in 1970.
Sonja Vesterholt is cand.mag (Danish academic degree) in Russian language and literature and has for many years taught Russian at Copenhagen University and been interpreter for Danish Refugee Council. Sonja Vesterholt has also an education as creative producer from the The National Film School of Denmark. She has instructed and produced a number of documentaries and tv-programs, out of which several has won awards. Sonja is a member of the jury in several international film festivals.
Sonja Vesterholt published in 2011 her memoir “ HUNDEN ER RASK ” – about her childhood and youth in the USSR. The book is written in cooperation with the freelance author Britta Sörensen. The cooperation continued with the book “KJÆRLIGHETSLANDET” published in 2016. In this book Sonja Vesterhold is writing about her years in Denmark.