For Authors

We welcome new authors: please familiarise yourself with our conditions.
What manuscripts are we considering?
Our mission is to spread the idea of kindness and humanistic values.
Our team is Russian-speaking specialists. We all live in different countries, belong to different ethnic groups, but we are all united by the Russian language. And books written in Russian are the priority of our team, although the activities of the publishing house are not limited to them.
We see our main task as helping Russian-speaking emigrants to integrate into a new life outside of Russia.
Our books are about the difficulties and joys of emigration, about the difference between cultures, about values and life goals. Our books are about living through the culture shock that is inevitable when you enter a different cultural and social environment. Our books are about comparing the past with the present, about life at home and beyond. Our books are about what happens in the mind of an emigrant - parting with illusions, tackling reality and gradually accepting (or rejecting) new life attitudes and rules.
Submission requirements
We only consider completed manuscripts. The manuscript must be accompanied by a pitch and a synopsis – a brief description of what the book is about and for whom it is written.
Recommended length of the manuscript: 200,000-280,000 characters including spaces. The manuscript should begin with an automatic table of contents for the entire text.
We never publish books with authors' money. We are convinced that worthwhile texts are worthy of our investments, both financial and intellectual.
We do not pay authors upfront. To begin with, we review the manuscript and evaluate the readiness of the text for publication. If the text does not require serious revision, then we offer a percentage of sales. First, we publish an e-book and, based on sales results, decide whether it is possible to publish a paper book. The next step, based on the sales of the paper book, is that we may decide to create an audio book.
If the text requires a lot of revision (which most often happens) in terms of structure, content, fact-checking, as well as improving language characteristics of the text, then we estimate the costs and cover our costs with the first sales. In this regard, first we need to familiarize ourselves with the manuscript, evaluate its quality and degree of readiness for publication, and then think about the conditions. The review of a manuscript takes an average of two to three months. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, we ourselves contact the author to further discuss the terms of our collaboration.
The author and the publishing house have a common goal - to promote worthy, high-quality literature to the book market, to publish good books. Preparation for publication, subsequent advertising and sales of the book is a multidimensional and long process, and the active involvement of the author in it is an integral part of the success of the book. As a result, willingness to cooperate is required from potential authors: a positive reaction to the need to finalize the manuscript, a constructive response to proposed changes to the text, the ability to listen, hear, discuss and come to compromises with our team. In most cases, we will not be able to work with authors who do not accept the idea of modifying and changing their manuscripts.
It often happens that we receive excellent manuscripts with great potential for reader interest and sales, but if the author and the publisher fail to reach an understanding on improving the text, as well as subsequent advertising of the book and its sales, such texts unfortunately remain unpublished.
We do not have censorship, there are no forbidden topics, however, manuscripts must be checked for compliance with the values of the publishing house.
If our conditions suit you and you have a finished manuscript, we will be happy to hear from you!
Email for manuscript submission:
We also offer services for a fee