Lyudmila is twice an emigrant. First, in 2007, she moved to Italy to her future husband, and then, in 2015, the three of them, together with her husband and daughter, they moved to France. In France, their family settled in Alsace, on the very border of three countries: France, Switzerland and Germany.
Multilingual environment, meeting with different cultures and mentalities greatly influenced the evolution of the author's personal world view. The views on parenting have changed: both on expectations from the child and on expectations from oneself as a parent.
"After moving to France, I started my blog on Instagram, where I talked about life in exile, about curiosities, about family. However, initially I started a blog in order to share successes and failures in relation to my daughter's bilingualism. It seemed important to me to openly tell other moms not only about successes, but also about what happens, and not always everything goes according to plan. As a mother of a multilingual child, I wanted to share my discoveries.
I decided to combine all my knowledge and write a book that would help parents of bilingual children."